The color of a German shepherd can range considerably from gray to black to tan, and even a silvery color. link to Are German Shepherds Dangerous? Why are German shepherds not allowed in apartments? This leads to your dog to partake in destructive behaviors. The breed are sociable dogs so they crave human companionship and interaction. © 2021 World of Dogz. In fact, German shepherds are Velcro dogs, rarely letting their owners out of sight. A German Shepherd. Let’s review how long you can leave German Shepherds alone during their different life stages. This means putting away any valuables that could become broken or chewed on. You can also invest in a dog camera as mentioned above, where you can watch and interact with your dog all from your smartphone. To train your German Shepherd to get used to being left alone, you must start with short absences – like for 30 minutes or so – then, gradually work up to longer periods of time. Australian Shepherds, on the other hand, can’t handle much more than that. In this case, it might start to become less attached as it gets older and you can still do the training tips below. If you’re considering leaving your German Shepherd at home while you’re away, provide them with space, entertainment, and no more than four hours of away time.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'worldofdogz_com-netboard-2','ezslot_23',167,'0','0'])); Here are a few takeaways from the article: Sources:eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'worldofdogz_com-netboard-1','ezslot_22',168,'0','0'])); Willow Online Publishing is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Unfortunately, your yard will pay the price and will soon have the appearance of a moon crater! German Shepherds are raised to follow commands and orders. German Shepherds are fiercely loyal and turn out to be great companions. The standard dimensions of a kennel for a German Shepherd are 42″ x 28″ x 31″. Doggy daycare. German Shepherds and Dobermans get along if they are well-bred, well-socialized, and well-trained from a young age; they can’t just be put together and left alone. If you’re not prepared, inviting this k9 into your life might be more than you can handle. German Shepherds should not be left alone for more than 8 hours a day. Here’s a table showing how long German Shepherd puppies can be left alone during their first five months. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'worldofdogz_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_15',162,'0','0']));Aside from the doggie cam from the previous section, there are several ways that you can keep your German Shepherd entertained while you’re away. If you’re thinking about adding a German Shepherd to your family, it’s important to know about this dedicated breed. How to Stop Separation Anxiety in German Shepherds: 10 Tips! Not everyone wants to keep their dog in a kennel all day. Their natural curiosity can lead to all sorts of hazardous problems, especially if their mother isn’t around to protect them. Poisonous plants that a dog could get into are a risk. German Shepherd dogs are naturally suspicious of strangers, but they are also highly trainable. What Happens if You Leave a German Shepherd Alone for Too Long? The good news is that you can hire someone or ask a friend to relieve the loneliness of your dog. Why are German shepherds not allowed in apartments? They make excellent members of a family and can be trained as personal protection dogs. You can leave your German Shepherd with toys, music or the TV to keep them entertained. Due to old age, milk production can be reduced. They are smart, brave, and loyal. Can Small Dogs Live with German Shepherds? This would be more likely if it was adopted from a shelter. Some dog breeds, such as French Bulldogs and Pugs, do well when they are left to their own devices. maybe the summer, christmas break, something thats about two weeks long so you dont get a dog, and the next day you're gone. Here’s a handy table showing the age of the dog and the maximum recommended time: Throughout this article, you’ll also learn what kind of crate you should use and some alternative solutions for your dog. German Shepherds are prone to separation anxiety more than most other dog breeds when they are parted from their owners. Short answer, YES a German Shepherd can live outside, I have had several and they all were outside dogs. Part of owning a dog is knowing that you’re going to lose a pair of slippers every so often. It’s also beneficial for their mental health to not feel stuck inside, especially if they don’t yet have free reign of the house. it honestly depends on the dog, not the breed. Dogs are, after all, derived from wolves who are pack animals. This is because they’re a very loyal and affectionate breed and form an... 10 Best Treats for German Shepherds: My Favorite Picks! The presence of small dogs is a situation that can easily trigger a Shepherd’s prey drive.For the best results, a German Shepherd needs to have been raised around small dogs from the time they are puppies. Your not expected to quit your job because you have a pet. How Long Can German Shepherds Be Left Alone? It might be the case that your German Shepherd was mistreated before and now it does not like being left alone. German Shepherds can become very attached to their owners. They are territorial, so ensure there is enough room for both and minimize competition-inciting situations. eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'worldofdogz_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_18',153,'0','0']));Adult German Shepherds are very self-reliant when they need to be, but they’re also very social dogs that love the company of others. Happy dog time……. When adopting a dog, you are promising to commit time and energy towards that animal’s well-being. GENERAL TEMPERAMENT A healthy German shepherd must be direct and fearless, but not hostile or combative; confident; distant; and ready, but eager and alert. To train your German Shepherd to get used to being left alone, you must start with short absences – like for 30 minutes or so – then, gradually work up to longer periods of time. German shepherds develop separation anxiety mainly due to being left alone by their owners. German Shepherds love to have people around them and a dog walker can fill the time with a walk and a play time with your dog. And finally, if you are worried about your dog wreaking havoc while you’re away, making sure your home is properly puppy-proofed and filled with enrichment for your dog. A german shepherd dog, can be left alone while you are at work assuming someone potty trained and house trained it. When the puppy, after a few days, have adapted to its new environment, it is time to teach it how to be alone at the house. We also participate in other affiliate programs that compensate us for referring traffic. This site is owned and operated by Willow Online Publishing. The social German Shepherd is a good candidate for doggie daycare. If they want something, they tell the world by complaining, crying, or barking. Bladder infections due to the dog being unable to relieve themselves for hours on end. No. The breed are sociable dogs so they crave human companionship and interaction. That’s what most pet owners know. So, how long can German Shepherds be left alone? Remember, big dogs like German Shepherds need far more exercise than breeds like French Bulldogs and Pugs. They are very sociable dogs and need the company of their owners most of the time. No. Yes, German Shepherds can sleep outside but dogs never allowed inside will develop serious behavioral problems! This site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Can a German Shepherd be left alone for longer than 8 hours a day? Unauthorized use of this material without express and written permission is strictly prohibited. You shouldn’t leave your German Shepherd alone for longer than 8 hours a day. If you need a bit more time alone, I advise you not to pass the six-hour mark. The last major issue I’ve noticed while training German shepherds is separation anxiety. A rough guideline for German Shepherd puppies to be left alone in a crate is one hour for each month of age, up to a maximum of four hours. Provide them with enough food and water before you leave and give them plenty of exercise. maybe the summer, christmas break, something thats about two weeks long so you dont get a dog, and the next day you're gone. They have a high energy level and curious personality that can easily get them into mischief when left alone for too long. The good news is that you don’t have to spend too much money, nor will you have to be present for these suggestions to work. Your German Shepherd Misses You How To Fix The Separation Anxiety This may also result in aggressive behavior in your German shepherd. eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'worldofdogz_com-box-2','ezslot_2',145,'0','0'])); Throughout this article, you’ll also learn solutions for keeping your German Shepherd entertained while they’re alone, problems that might arise if you leave your dog alone for too long, the pros and cons of leaving your dog either indoors or outdoors, and loads more! German shepherd dogs are a great breed to have, but they can often be very loud. They are high-energy dogs that thrive on companionship and affection. First condition - the dog must be above 8–9 months old. Many factors influence the litter’s size like age, nutrition, health, and genetics. Using a “baby gate” a puppy can learn to be separate from the family without feeling completely alone. Being able to spot a German shepherd separation anxiety is great and all. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): German Shepherd Apartment. You should never leave your German Shepherd alone for longer than eight hours at a time. Some may come from lack of hygiene. If you’re worried about feeling bad about your German Shepherd being left alone whilst you go out to work, there are quite a few solutions for you. A German Shepherd should not be left alone for any longer than eight hours at a time. Can German Shepherds stay outside? You've only seen one page. But, conditions apply. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): German Shepherd Apartment. He will bark 24/7 because he is bored (neighbors will complain) and your backyard will be in utter ruin! Once their bladders have developed and they’ve matured a bit, it’s okay to leave your German Shepherd alone for longer however this should be a gradual build-up. excessive chewing, here are 8 steps on how to stop it. Let’s dive into the advantages and disadvantages of leaving your GSD inside vs. outside: If you’re not able to let your dog go outside when you’re at work or elsewhere, you can still contain them to a certain area of the house. However, by implementing the proper dog-proofing techniques, you will have little to worry about. Of all German shepherd separation anxiety behavior problems, Dog barking and Howling can be very distressing when left alone. This site is not intended to constitute pet medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment for your pet. References . This means closing the doors to any rooms with potentially dangerous items. This is especially important in places that have bears, mountain lions, and other predators. German Shepherds should not be left alone for more than 8 hours a day. Ideally, you should minimize how much time your dog is left alone as much as possible. Today they can be found in most homes as pets. In general, high-energy working dogs or dogs bred specifically as companions are more likely to experience anxiety when left alone. According to the American Kennel Club, they are the second most... Why Do German Shepherds Lick And Bite Their Paws? I’m a retired Police Officer who worked alongside GSDs for almost 30 years, but I’m passionate about all dogs. Causes. It’s okay if you don’t feel like exercising a few days in a row, but your dog should never suffer as a result. It doesn’t even have to be every day as you can try to mix things up where possible. Can a German Shepherd be left alone during the day? There are so many things that can go wrong if your German Shepherd is left alone, and you have made no precautions in advance. German shepherds are very popular among law enforcement agencies around the world. Young puppies and seniors shouldn’t be left alone for longer than 1-3 hours. The GSD has a high need for attention. This type of barking or screaming is persistent and cannot be triggered by anything other than being alone. However, they always had proper shelter and shade too keep cool and out of the weather. Leaving them alone can cause an undue amount of stress — in severe cases, they can actually become self-destructive if left alone for too long. This site also participates in other affiliate programs and is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies.World of Dogz is to be used for educational and informational purposes only. If your dog is older, however, crate training is still possible. The males grow to be approximately 24 inches at the shoulder and the females tend to be a little shorter, measuring around 22 inches at the shoulder. If you live alone, without any family members or roommates, you might want to consider getting a dog-sitter to ensure your dog receives the right amount of attention and enrichment. You and I now know that German Shepherds may become anxious or restless if left for too long outside and will start to chew on tree roots, destroy flowers or plants and engage in other. After all, there are reasons for the recommended guidelines! Any longer than that and they may start to become bored, chewing off on your furniture, and whining. On the other hand, it’s not so bad with older well trained and socialized German Shepherds (unless they have a health condition). However, German Shepherds, being one of the most active dog breeds, need a constant mental or physical stimulation source. When left alone for long periods of time, German Shepherds can become bored and anxious and start acting out by barking, digging, and chewing a lot. Guilt-Free Solutions if You Leave Your GSD Alone, How to Entertain Your German Shepherd While You’re Gone. • You can keep your dog entertained with a new toy and a place to look out of the window. A small yard will not be good enough. Senior GSDs shouldn’t be left alone for too long as they may need more toilet breaks or if they suddenly become sick as serious problems can develop very quickly without the help of anyone around. However, any dog that stays outside all the time can be prone to health issues. Since German Shepherds have so much energy and due to their natural instinct, it’s not uncommon for them to dig, whether it be to dig tree roots that resemble sticks, or to bury bones or toys. German Shepherds that are made to live outside will have many behavioral problems, like constant barking, aggression, and violence. But, if you think these symptoms aren’t enough, then it’s worth remembering the possible causes of the problem. If your German Shepherd puppy is impatient and super inquisitive, he might start chewing on furniture, the carpet, or other items. As a result, they can happily spend long amounts of time entertaining themselves, so long as they have the proper enrichment. Martin Twain A German Shepherd is a highly social animal that loves to be accompanied by … Given their high IQ, these dogs can get up to mischief if they are left alone or are unstimulated. Of course, I totally disagree with this and can’t understand why anyone would want to go against expert advice as recommended by veterinarians and scientists!eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'worldofdogz_com-leader-1','ezslot_16',157,'0','0'])); There are similar guidelines in the UK where veterinary experts also recommend four hours as the maximum period for all dogs to be left alone. Q. Regular activity and exercise is a must for this energetic, loyal, and protective breed.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'worldofdogz_com-leader-4','ezslot_13',164,'0','0'])); If you leave your dog alone for longer than four hours per day, it will most definitely cause poor results. Martin Twain Leaving a newborn German Shepherd puppy alone for too long is not only dangerous but immoral and cruel. You should invest in covers for any exposed cords and wires, as well. They can easily become a part of the family, and if young children learn to respect the puppy as a living being, they can be great childhood partners and companions to grow up with. German Shepherds shouldn’t be left alone for long periods if dog owners want to avoid unwanted behaviours. Once you are sure your home is completely safe for your dog, you should also consider making sure your furniture and other household items are safe from your dog. This would be more likely if it was adopted from a shelter. However, don’t be too hard on your pup. since you'll be gone 8 hours a day, i recomend waiting to get a dog when you have time off from work. They can easily become a part of the family, and if young children learn to respect the puppy as a living being, they can be great childhood partners and companions to grow up with. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'worldofdogz_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_21',149,'0','0']));German Shepherd puppies are very active and inquisitive. There are also environmental dangers outside. Treat Separation Anxiety in German Shepherds by training them to get used to being left alone. It is only one hour for each month of age with puppies, so a two-month-old puppy can only be alone/hold its potty for two hours at the most, but a dog that is trained would be fine. You can learn more about this in my article Can a German Shepherd Have Two Masters? Do not … True or False, link to Why Do German Shepherds Lick And Bite Their Paws? When this breed is left alone, they can become very stressed. Everyone who’s experienced their affection, sensitivity, and companionship knows that they are worth the hours and hours spent with them. Yes a German Shepherd dog can stay alone for 8 hours as can any other dog. How Long Can You Leave German Shepherds Alone by Age? Some of the most common breeds that are prone to separation anxiety include: German Shepherd; Labrador Retriever As for life expectancy, German shepherds normally live for around 9-13 years. A bark every now and then from your backyard is actually a good thing. The dog is a pack animal, and it is therefore very unnatural for a dog to be left alone. German Shepherds form a strong bond with their owners, so you should only adopt one if you know you can be there for them. How much room do German shepherds need? 3. how to stop separation anxiety in German Shepherds in 10 easy steps. It might be the case that your German Shepherd was mistreated when it was younger and now it does not like being left alone. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to World of Dogz with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. You want the best for your beloved pet. A dog’s kennel should never feel like a punishment. If you’re worried about being away for several hours per day, you should definitely find someone who can come and watch them. This is due to their fierce loyalty to their humans and their desire to stay close to and protect their pack. Ideally, you should train your German Shepherd to use a kennel while it is still a puppy. If you have the option of leaving your dog outside when you go to work, it can provide them with tons of space to run around and get some exercise. You will find only helpful information about your new German shepherd friend to help you care and protect him or her. So here, prior history precedes age as the determining factor for how long your dog can be safely left alone. German Shepherds are prone to hip and elbow dysplasia which may cause them pain or discomfort. Make sure your dog’s kennel is quite roomy, as well. They see you as their pack and need to be part of the family. German Shepherds are devoted, loyal, hardworking dogs. Can a German Shepherd be left alone for longer than 8 hours a day? We all want our dogs to be their happiest and healthiest selves. About German Shepherds In Brief. It might be the case that your German Shepherd was mistreated before and now it does not like being left alone. The German Shepherd is one of the best-known breeds in the world.It is among the top 10 dogs in the US. thinking of getting a GSD puppy at the start of the summer but when i go back to school ans my parents go back to work the dog will be left for about 9am till 3pm it will get a large walk in the morning before i go to school and can get a friend to come in during the day and let it have a quick run about would this be okay :) Doing so may lead to social anxiety in the dog which can lead to destructive behavior such as barking, chewing, digging (if outside), and releasing bowls in the home. If you do leave your dog alone for longer than eight hours, it will quickly become lonely and bored. it honestly depends on the dog, not the breed. The German Shepherd can suffer separation anxiety when left alone which leads not only to destructive behavior but continuous barking and howling as well. Adjust your absences as long as you can be away without observable anxiety in your German Shepherd. If you can’t provide regular walks for your dog, consider hiring a dog-walker to do it for you. Before you make any decisions, remember that your German Shepherd will need an adequate amount of room.eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'worldofdogz_com-narrow-sky-2','ezslot_19',166,'0','0'])); Here are a few suggestions to contain your dog inside: German Shepherds are wonderful dogs to own. True or False. If you live in an apartment, leaving your German Shepherd alone is not a good idea. German Shepherds are very social dogs and need a job to do, even if that just means interacting with you. Some GSDs don’t even do well with anything longer than three hours, even when they’re fully grown. It’s natural to wonder if you should leave your German Shepherd alone. A German Shepherd can’t be left alone for a long time. since you'll be gone 8 hours a day, i recomend waiting to get a dog when you have time off from work. Best Dog Crate for German Shepherds: My Pick! This would be more likely if it was adopted from a shelter. A German Shepherd should not be left alone for any longer than eight hours at a time. I have a 5-year-old female German Shepherd named "Willow" and I've worked with dogs for almost 30 years. Make sure Your German Shepherd Has always something to eat or drink when he feels hungry or thirsty. They may also try to run away, and they may try to break things that are left outside. Previous Question Is my dog a German shepherd? So I did a little bit of research to help you answer the question. Yes - they can. They’re also very active and like to keep busy. Make sure to properly train your GSD so this is not an issue or prevent him access to those areas of the house. German Shepherds love people—and there is nothing better than an extra person to love. Is a German Shepherd good for an apartment? Neglect is just one word to describe leaving your dog outside alone for longer than four hours. They are easily bored so if they are left alone for that long, they may start engaging in destructive or problematic behavior such as digging, chewing and barking. A. You mustn’t leave puppies alone for too long. References . Can a German Shepherd be left alone during the day? We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. German Shepherds are generally pretty healthy dogs. German Shepherds love people—and there is nothing better than an extra person to love. i have a german shepherd mix, and he's perfectly fine when he's alone. In Britain and even some European countries, it is also referred to as Alsatian.. One of the most famous German Shepherds is called Rin Tin Tin.This dog was rescued by Corporal Lee Duncan from a French breeding kennel during World War I. So, how long can German Shepherds be left alone, legally? How Do German Shepherds Communicate? You try to find out why your German shepherd is showing this behaviour or habits. Make sure you leave him enough chew toys to play with, but it will be inevitable sometimes. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'worldofdogz_com-box-4','ezslot_3',154,'0','0'])); Some dogs may have a higher tolerance level but if you want to feel guilt-free about it and stick to the professional advice, don’t leave them for more than the recommended four hours. German Shepherds are prone to many health issues and a … So, when they are left alone for a long time they become restless. Remember, not all German Shepherds are the same, which means that even four hours might be too long. Once you have made sure the area where you are leaving them is safe from any hazards, here are some important points to follow: eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'worldofdogz_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_8',161,'0','0']));Check out this fun 3-minute video from “Chewy” showing you exactly how to leave your puppy home alone:How to Leave Your Puppy Home Alone. eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'worldofdogz_com-banner-1','ezslot_7',155,'0','0'])); There are also various animal neglect and cruelty laws that vary by state but the general rule in North America is that you should not leave dogs alone for more than four hours at a time. Blood pressure and heart disease caused by stress. In general, high-energy working dogs or dogs bred specifically as companions are more likely to experience anxiety when left alone. How to Best Live with a German Shepherd in an Apartment Dog Body Language. German Shepherds shed a lot and require consistent grooming. Technically yes, German Shepherds can live in apartments, but not all German Shepherds will do well living in an apartment. German Shepherds should not be left alone for more than 8 hours a day. If you cannot provide the proper care and attention, you shouldn’t get a dog in the first place. Are German Shepherds Dangerous? If you have to leave work for fewer than eight hours a day, you might still be worried that your dog will get into trouble while you’re gone. They’ll be safe and protected while you’re away. link to 10 Best Treats for German Shepherds: My Favorite Picks! If your German Shepherd gets enough attention while you are at home, it will be less likely to partake in destructive behaviors while you’re away. Scatter some of your German Shepherd’s favorite toys around the house to keep it occupied while you’re away. If they are left for extended periods they can develop a variety of both emotional and physical health issues.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'worldofdogz_com-leader-3','ezslot_12',163,'0','0'])); Unfortunately, many dog owners don’t understand the level of commitment required to properly care for a German Shepherd and this is one of the sad reasons why they are often abandoned, re-homed, or even worse, euthanized. This is detailed in a Codes of Practice guidance document which has been devised to help dog owners comply with the UK’s Animal Welfare Act which sets out how all animals should be cared for. German Shepherd dog can be more loyal to one person but not only to him. the dog needs to get used to his new home … Factors to take into account when deciding how long to leave your dog in addition to age are training, breed, housing and lifestyle conditions, and whether they have any previous experience of being left alone. 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Hours spent with them – 10 weeksMaximum 1 hour2 – 3 monthsMaximum 2 hours3 – 4 3! Someone potty trained and house trained it infections due to their owners escalation of dwarf German Shepherds 5. I have a pet will complain ) and your family, it is longer to play your! Shepherd puppies can be left alone for more than 8 hours as can any dog! Keep their dog in a way that promotes longevity Shepherds should not be left for!, crate training is still possible those areas of the family without completely. Leaving your German Shepherd with toys, music or the TV to keep it occupied while ’! Dog in the first step in proper crate training is to make your dog when., yes a German Shepherd can have a high energy level and curious personality can. – 3 monthsMaximum 2 hours3 – 4 monthsMaximum 3 hours5 months +Maximum 4 can german shepherds be left alone! Things up where possible to worry about as possible tend to create in! Shepherd dog, take him for walks, as well not like being left alone last major I.