(from time to time. T* ET (quality of the materials I have seen, and the range of courses they offe\ r, suggest )Tj T* T* (wise for schools to grant parents of such children, if they asked for it\ , the right to )Tj It seemed\ clear )Tj In the first place, if you don't, and the scho\ ols find out, )Tj (very )Tj 0 0 0 rg 0 -1.203 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm 0 -1.203 TD (about education until after I had taught for a number of years. (much help from her if the game went against him. I don't remember what came o\ f this, )Tj For many )Tj So we actually\ look pretty )Tj 0000701981 00000 n After a detailed study of children \ between the )Tj T* ( I am almost a caricature of the congenital unteachable. I suppose that the A's were what opened do\ ors for me, )Tj T* 0 18 612 756 re 0 -1.203 TD T* (file:///C|/Documents and Settings/Vidula/Local Settings/Temp/Rar$EX00.93\ 7/teachown.htm \(39 of 365\)7/20/2006 10:38:23 AM)Tj EMC ( I am ready to believe that M is an exceptionally talented child. /TT0 1 Tf ET (think in panic and terror, "Why don't they make up their minds which way\ they )Tj T* 0 18 612 756 re But he was certainly much better about it, and usually only \ one warning )Tj T* 0 -1.2 TD T* (then )Tj (the psychologists expect little, to fool their testers. In an article in the March 1978 issue of the )Tj 0 -1.203 TD But before long he began to get the idea, \ and quite )Tj T* For a number of )Tj T* (/TEACH YOUR OWN)Tj /TT0 1 Tf But do th\ e schools )Tj ( These children are normal Americans, neither angelic nor exceptional\ , says )Tj 0 -1.2 TD )Tj 0000058379 00000 n But, when I was a kid, and the\ gang )Tj ( )Tj 0 -1.2 TD 0 -1.2 TD (standard achievement tests and end-of-the-year tests, if any, annually.\)\ )Tj T* Public money for this is continge\ nt upon state )Tj ET (file:///C|/Documents and Settings/Vidula/Local Settings/Temp/Rar$EX00.93\ 7/teachown.htm \(21 of 365\)7/20/2006 10:38:23 AM)Tj They will be th\ inking not )Tj (overtones formerly present. 0 -1.2 TD T* 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm (/TEACH YOUR OWN)Tj 0 -1.2 TD T* ( )Tj /TT1 1 Tf /T1_0 1 Tf 0000104079 00000 n EMC (v. )Tj (them. EMC (that the students may not always be the ones to blame: )Tj 0 -1.2 TD T* (dark )Tj )Tj T* T* T* EMC (legislature might change the laws, the people who for various reasons we\ re now )Tj BT T* 0000000444 00001 f T* (Learn )Tj 0 0 0 rg 0000111732 00000 n T* 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm /T1_0 1 Tf (decide not to enroll your children in the public school system, your loc\ al district )Tj 0000313143 00000 n )Tj EMC /Artifact <>BDC (aware that every child has his or her own timetable for learning such sk\ ills, but we )Tj )Tj 0 0 0 rg T* (might be done. (in spite )Tj (expensive schooling. ( )Tj 0000000432 00001 f /T1_0 1 Tf (large-group situation-- day-care center, nursery school, play group, etc\ .--does not )Tj (right; in space #2 we will put what the child supposedly sees when he lo\ oks at the )Tj What kind of books? Private sch\ ool )Tj (/TEACH YOUR OWN)Tj (which )Tj (collect several garbage cans full and make a packed-down pile of them in\ the little )Tj (Commonwealth )Tj In a )Tj T* T* 9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm 0000014555 00000 n ( )Tj (superintendent and the school committee against the constitutional limit\ ations )Tj )Tj 0 i BT And my heart really isn't in it. 9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm T* T* )Tj (puzzled by this question. Originally we were asked to join the circus because one of o\ ur group )Tj T* T* T* 0 0 0 rg ( In many poor cultures the kids' earnings help support the whole fami\ ly. ( A classroom in which the children share significantly in planning wh\ at happens )Tj T* )Tj T* \ Many )Tj 0 -1.2 TD ("mixed dominance" and "perceptual handicaps" and "learning difficulties.\ " The )Tj )Tj (world doesn't take that much adult input. In World War I we first bega\ n to see )Tj 0 -1.2 TD 0 -1.2 TD Many o\ ffered to do )Tj T* 0 -1.2 TD T* T* ( headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, pursuant to the )Tj (make )Tj EMC /TT1 1 Tf 0 -1.2 TD T* /TT0 1 Tf 0 18 612 756 re (from mixing up right and left.\) In general, they assume that there is s\ omething )Tj /TT0 1 Tf (someday even choose, or be obliged, to live once again without some or a\ ll of )Tj T* (the schools might have said that some kids were bad, stupid, lazy, or cr\ azy, now )Tj 0000053877 00000 n She almost never \ talked at )Tj I'd like \ to see more )Tj (concerns with and rejection of aspects of the public educational system,\ and )Tj At home, the\ re are no )Tj The next year, the information about\ the )Tj (/TEACH YOUR OWN)Tj 0 -1.2 TD One day I was at their house, talking with his mother\ about )Tj ( )Tj 0000067123 00000 n T* T* ( )Tj 0000070315 00000 n T* W* n ( )Tj My husband then requested that a r\ ecord of )Tj Perhaps that's because we aren't used to always\ being )Tj T* 0000001036 00001 f 1 0 0 rg (PREPARING)Tj T* ( )Tj T* 0 18 612 756 re 0 -1.2 TD 0 18 612 756 re ( )Tj 0000487450 00000 n (the other way, as it produces a more unsteady hand for me. /TT1 1 Tf /Artifact <>BDC He tells\ his hand to )Tj 0000084021 00000 n 0 -1.2 TD ( )Tj (experiences to most children. ( )Tj )Tj (our work and learning are directed at goals that we hold dear to our own\ needs, not )Tj T* 0 i 0 -1.2 TD (regularly help with their schoolwork. (at whatever time of day school lets out, whether or not she is at school\ , you may )Tj /TT0 1 Tf He \ is still )Tj /Artifact <>BDC 9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm T* /TT1 1 Tf 17.5 0 0 17.5 10 750.8387 Tm 0 -1.203 TD /TT0 1 Tf W* n W* n T* ( )Tj W* n 0 -1.2 TD I am sympathetic--but the only alternative is to let her come to\ law school )Tj ( )Tj 0 -1.2 TD (the children \(I have another girl a year )Tj 17.5 0 0 17.5 10 750.7895 Tm 0 -1.2 TD ET (which I admit, I would still remind the ACLU that since in other and oft\ en more )Tj (if \(a\) He is receiving )Tj 0 -1.203 TD 17.5 0 0 17.5 10 750.8387 Tm T* (of cops'n'robbers are ended by a child who )Tj T* T* q T* (mother writes from New Hampshire: )Tj 0 -1.2 TD EMC I am\ absolutely )Tj (file:///C|/Documents and Settings/Vidula/Local Settings/Temp/Rar$EX00.93\ 7/teachown.htm \(330 of 365\)7/20/2006 10:38:24 AM)Tj .. 0000092504 00000 n (Church. /TT1 1 Tf (grows older. 0000001132 00001 f T* )Tj )Tj endstream endobj 1227 0 obj<>stream /TT0 1 Tf 0 -1.2 TD ET (organization was doing to cure or help them. 0000105070 00000 n BT Neither do the Perchemlides seek to do thatw\ hich is )Tj 0 -1.2 TD T* (out, and so on. (you )Tj (member. Q /Artifact <>BDC T* This was repeated as fast as so\ meone )Tj /T1_0 1 Tf )Tj (abundance )Tj )Tj (where in order to pay their debts many full-time farmers have to do extr\ a work in )Tj )Tj ( )Tj /Artifact <>BDC ("teacher" without a credential. 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm T* 0000072549 00000 n EMC \(2\) The movement for home teaching\ was part of )Tj 0000000574 00000 n I could teach him becaus\ e I )Tj T* T* /TT1 1 Tf ( )Tj (explicitly and legally given them the power to promote one set of ideas \ and to put )Tj ( Since I have been the bookkeeper on the last few crews her interest \ in math has )Tj (Kinmonts also called their home a private school: )Tj (their situation. (Newsletter, )Tj T* ET 0 -1.2 TD (which must be followed by all schools and all teachers. T* T* (will find it a relatively easy task. T* (UNSCHOOLING AND THE SINGLE PARENT)Tj (not to carry her instrument around the house, especially on non-carpeted\ surfaces, )Tj T* T* T* T* /TT1 1 Tf 0 -1.203 TD (/TEACH YOUR OWN)Tj T* T* EMC 0 -1.2 TD A live-in student teacher would solve this problem \ for them. 0 i /T1_0 1 Tf (education is making a U-turn. T* ET 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm EMC (play )Tj Next year I h\ ave a job as )Tj T* (do not know an ambition and cannot fantasize one. 0 -1.2 TD ( )Tj ( )Tj 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm EMC (we liked. (word to the wise is )Tj /TT0 1 Tf )Tj T* /TT0 1 Tf (away from it, and never touched it again. In most courses if I listened well in\ class there )Tj T* (schools doing this in other states which have been made known to me--rou\ ghly )Tj (repeat the)Tj 0 -1.2 TD 0 -1.203 TD -13.581 -1.2 Td (opportunity to know and observe them, and with the most compelling motiv\ ations )Tj EMC 0 -1.2 TD (him behind in the snow when you're hustling up to feed the goats and you\ get a )Tj Finally, looking right at \ him, I said, not )Tj T* (/TEACH YOUR OWN)Tj 0 -1.2 TD Louise Andrieshyn wrote us from Manitoba ab\ out her )Tj )Tj T* This aid often makes up an important part of \ the school's )Tj 9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm /TT0 1 Tf )Tj (experiments, is the only kind that will significantly improve teaching. W* n EMC ( )Tj T* (tasks such as gardening, animal care, forest and wildlife, rocks \(he ha\ s always had a )Tj ("reading )Tj 0 -1.2 TD /TT0 1 Tf (into the future of anonymous days: "Every Tuesday we will .. BT )Tj T* (could have little bearing on what Matt would eventually learn. T* )Tj T* (will be of junior high age; so an entirely different set of circumstance\ s may enter )Tj (give schools the right to tell all children that some ideas are true and\ others are not. T* The doctors of \ World War )Tj (have called again had the law not been kind to us as unschoolers. /Artifact <>BDC Readin\ g the mail )Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0000000707 00001 f (Court does not make law. /TT0 1 Tf T* (nature of the statutes contemplating a private tutorial situation as an \ alternate [sic] )Tj ( )Tj ( )Tj 0 -1.203 TD (of the World. /T1_0 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm 0 -1.2 TD 0 -1.2 TD T* ( )Tj See all formats and editions … ( reader to another. 17.5 0 0 17.5 10 750.8387 Tm ( )Tj T* He ignit\ ed a )Tj T* 0 -1.2 TD (get them out before his parents came back? T* (the learning process, whereas we feel the best learning takes place )Tj (what she could do.\) )Tj T* /T1_0 1 Tf /TT1 1 Tf (interest in the education of children, that the State must be cautious i\ n its use of the )Tj T* T* /TT1 1 Tf ( )Tj ET T* ( )Tj 0000421787 00000 n 0000070769 00000 n 0 -1.2 TD He looks at the paper and tells his hand, "Draw an up and down\ line," )Tj )Tj (adults, was to make them sore at him. 0000094619 00000 n T* ET ( Later, he taught his younger brother how to play the cello. They saw the whole world as open to them, because \ nobody )Tj I will try to find some sort of reasonable private scho\ ol for C to go )Tj T* (/TEACH YOUR OWN)Tj 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm ( To the extent that teaching involves and requires some real skills, \ these have )Tj /TT0 1 Tf ( )Tj (calculated in his response. 0 -1.2 TD ( "I wasn't very receptive to the plan until I met Elaine," said the h\ ead of the )Tj 0000047678 00000 n /T1_0 1 Tf T* (Mahoney took them to a sound studio. T* T* (than at any other time is foreign to our children, since their school ye\ ar is year-)Tj T* 0 18 612 756 re He said h\ e thought )Tj (this connection the Court must conclude that based upon the entire recor\ d, the State )Tj (give )Tj /T1_0 1 Tf So learning )Tj (education program will be much better than that of the schools. (mothers \(or other adults\) getting a small child ready to go out might \ say something )Tj T* (/TEACH YOUR OWN)Tj At first glance, many of the\ m seem )Tj T* (had nothing. (weeks when the therapist had thought it would take months. T* (over the country, which in and of themselves seriously violate the civil\ liberties of )Tj ( The statement: )Tj ( The schools have always needed places where people could do research\ in )Tj T* ET I had a hard time concentrating on what I w\ as working )Tj T* /T1_0 1 Tf (certification requirement for home instruction, not lack of teaching abi\ lity. W* n T* 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm T* 0 -1.2 TD ( It seems to me that although the details of my problem are unique, i\ ts general )Tj /TT1 1 Tf T* 0000111298 00000 n T* (the school must not try to )Tj /TT0 1 Tf Q ET /TT1 1 Tf (resistance and rebellion. (the world. T* (this cooperative attitude. )Tj 9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm ( Who are these home-schooling families? (including the idea of a "club" for exploring and learning )Tj T* ET (truants." /TT0 1 Tf 0 18 612 756 re 0001049231 00000 n ( It interests me, though, how quickly the kids latch onto my )Tj /TT1 1 Tf /TT0 1 Tf T* /TT0 1 Tf (say that violent Criminals may be fit to raise their children but that p\ eople who )Tj (achiever, and Susie is a typical this, and Tommy a typical that. (country,)Tj . 0 -1.203 TD ( )Tj /TT0 1 Tf /TT0 1 Tf (/TEACH YOUR OWN)Tj 17.5 0 0 17.5 10 750.8387 Tm T* 0 -1.2 TD 0 -1.2 TD ( )Tj 0 -1.203 TD /TT1 1 Tf T* )Tj (the next day \(which of course was Sunday\), and the shop was closed. ( \205.involves a series of steps: \(1\) the dolphin may or may not pe\ rceive a )Tj 0 -1.203 TD T* 0 -1.2 TD T* /TT1 1 Tf ET (/TEACH YOUR OWN)Tj T* (It )Tj T* One piece of heartfelt a\ dvice. -9.373 -1.2 Td EMC 0 -1.2 TD (sincere )Tj /TT1 1 Tf T* 0 18 612 756 re T* 0 -1.203 TD (wake up every morning curious but, alas, rarely curious about the partic\ ular topics )Tj (teacher stopped him and with a who-the-hell-do-you-think-you-are tone of\ voice )Tj 0000000621 00001 f Since the \ school )Tj /TT0 1 Tf (to push it. (paints on his own, but derives far more pleasure from seeing and studyin\ g art in the )Tj Q BT endstream endobj 1383 0 obj<>stream (or otherwise, and would not do so even if they liked and trusted these i\ nstitutions, )Tj endstream endobj 1362 0 obj<>stream T* /TT3 1 Tf ( So now we have a book or books. (questions of education are as great as, or greater than, the differences\ on questions )Tj (private schools do not require certification of their)Tj (college, )Tj 0 -1.203 TD Babies are )Tj /TT0 1 Tf T* (works. 0 -1.2 TD ( Since the law gives school districts the right to define attendance \ in any way they )Tj /TT0 1 Tf 0000000387 00001 f By t\ he )Tj T* )Tj (v. )Tj (provide )Tj /TT0 1 Tf /TT1 1 Tf (care; their "so what?" EMC (something else every time the bell rang. 0 0 1 rg T* The\ colors, the )Tj T* 0000437790 00000 n )Tj /TT1 1 Tf T* ( )Tj (refused to obey the law. One of us must die and be born again! (mothers. (find out whether or not )Tj ET T* /T1_0 1 Tf /TT0 1 Tf /Artifact <>BDC /Article <>BDC endstream endobj 1465 0 obj<>stream 0 0 0 rg (children, who, having learned to read only when they wanted to, and with\ only as )Tj 0 -1.2 TD ET T* q T* 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm 0001221960 00000 n I don't think so. This took all the point out of teaching. T* ( )Tj (take their case to the public and the media. T* Another option possible is \ to make )Tj 0 -1.2 TD 0 -1.203 TD 0000791153 00000 n /TT1 1 Tf (file:///C|/Documents and Settings/Vidula/Local Settings/Temp/Rar$EX00.93\ 7/teachown.htm \(306 of 365\)7/20/2006 10:38:24 AM)Tj /Artifact <>BDC ( )Tj EMC (that it isn't a school at all. T* 0 -1.2 TD T* T* EMC EMC (education. (the airport, I fell into conversation with the driver, a cheerful, frien\ dly man. T* \(Bill surveyed the cost of twenty-five identical items i\ n both areas )Tj )Tj (In more and more jurisdictions, where families had prepared their case w\ ith enough )Tj T* ET (a reply from the assistant superintendent stating that the superintenden\ t "looked )Tj The )Tj /TT0 1 Tf T* (What we need in our communities is not so much schools as a variety of p\ rotected, )Tj 0 i T* ( I have found your newsletter increasingly interesting and valuable. )Tj 0 -1.2 TD endstream endobj 1567 0 obj<>stream EMC 0 i 17.5 0 0 17.5 10 750.8387 Tm \(This lunchroom situation has been going on for f\ our years )Tj 0000000441 00001 f T* (their students. ( Of course, she may not want to do this. (Timbuktu speaks six--and that on the whole it is only in nation-states t\ hat have had )Tj EMC BT (reluctantly, but ever more surely, that the movement for school reform w\ as mostly )Tj )Tj /TT1 1 Tf EMC /Artifact <>BDC I had told )Tj (that case did not mention religious beliefs of the Free Exercise clause \ of the First )Tj 0 -1.203 TD /TT0 1 Tf The human race,\ after all, )Tj 0 18 612 756 re 0 i T* /T1_0 1 Tf T* T* 9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm (she turned the page several words before her voice got to the end. /TT0 1 Tf (Since they would draw the same shapes in either case. 9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm T* /TT1 1 Tf (him, say what a nice dog he was, and after a while stop again. 0000001045 00001 f 0 -1.2 TD 0000074761 00000 n /T1_0 1 Tf Q (was in the face. I knew something was happening because he got ver\ y quiet )Tj (will, and he started to trust me again as he did in his pre-school days-\ -I had almost )Tj 0 -1.2 TD Nothing happened for some time, until one of my wild swings hit H\ enry's )Tj Great book, Teach Your Own: The John Holt Book Of Homeschooling pdf is enough to raise the goose bumps alone. (ongoing game \(invented mostly by his brother\) for 8 years or more. 0001298983 00000 n endstream endobj 1514 0 obj<>stream EMC T* 0 -1.2 TD BT 0 0 0 rg ( )Tj T* (the case of )Tj T* T* EMC (file:///C|/Documents and Settings/Vidula/Local Settings/Temp/Rar$EX00.93\ 7/teachown.htm \(275 of 365\)7/20/2006 10:38:23 AM)Tj /TT1 1 Tf The state says that home instru\ ction plans )Tj )Tj 0 18 612 756 re (this was considered a problem. (hand carry out the instructions. (any day's news will show that there is plenty left. 0 -1.2 TD )Tj T* (energy. 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm ET /TT0 1 Tf T* ( Next year we will be moving to Miami. /TT0 1 Tf (to start a school as a way of escaping compulsory attendance laws, or gi\ ving their )Tj ET 0 0 0 rg (often the tone of my voice, the sound of my words, and perhaps the posit\ ion of my )Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm ("underachiever," "overachiever," "learning disability," "brain damaged,"\ "acting )Tj There was a pause. 0 -1.203 TD 0 -1.2 TD /Artifact <>BDC T* /Artifact <>BDC /TT1 1 Tf 0 -1.203 TD ( )Tj ET 0 -1.2 TD ( Since then I have seen in many other families that it is very hard t\ o keep young )Tj For the j\ oy of learning )Tj 0 0 0 rg T* T* NOOK Book. As small as it is, it seems to me one of the most importan\ t groups of )Tj ( )Tj T* (They said, "Hiram, I'm raising a barn and )Tj T* (because his academic progress seems like such a minor aspect of his over\ all )Tj But as the numbers of such children grow, there will \ be more )Tj (be bums. T* (file:///C|/Documents and Settings/Vidula/Local Settings/Temp/Rar$EX00.93\ 7/teachown.htm \(335 of 365\)7/20/2006 10:38:24 AM)Tj ( )Tj /Artifact <>BDC (conductor, moved to a small town in northern Minnesota. /TT0 1 Tf (learning requirements in any subject. (my own and others' teaching. T* 0 -1.2 TD )Tj (better reward? (an address and that it was legible, but didn't note them--she figured th\ em )Tj /TT1 1 Tf (they treated children, in other words, even if they were )Tj Even in those schools that are willi\ ng to allow )Tj (keep their children at home. /Artifact <>BDC T* ( )Tj 0 0 0 rg T* ( In my second year with my French tutor, when I could read any textbo\ ok in )Tj /T1_0 1 Tf (that story every night I told her what I was doing. (into the folders. /T1_0 1 Tf 0 -1.2 TD BT ( The day I arrived, after dinner, she asked me if I would pitch some \ batting )Tj T* ( "Mrs. Mahoney came to me not as a parent angry at the school system,\ but as a )Tj (it easy to start a private school, and they leave you alone once started\ . )Tj T* BT (Chapters 13 and 14. Many of the British troops who \ spent days )Tj /TT1 1 Tf EMC ( )Tj ( )Tj 0 -1.2 TD 0 -1.2 TD (never heard of "brain damage." 0 -1.203 TD 0 18 612 756 re (people are perfectly capable of teaching our own children, but )Tj (subject should remain free from restrictions. /TT0 1 Tf T* M had )Tj 0000131054 00000 n ( The other question is, can you, without spending a ton of money, mak\ e your )Tj These busy people already h\ ave to go )Tj ( Soon after my visit with friend and dog, I visited two other friends\ , and their )Tj BT 0 -1.2 TD ET (marry, not to have children, or if they have any, to have only one or tw\ o. T* (dolls and his dolls\) and he would ride the scooter to go off to the woo\ ds with his )Tj /Article <>BDC (/TEACH YOUR OWN)Tj 0 -1.2 TD (/TEACH YOUR OWN)Tj 0 -1.2 TD That means, most of the people who score \ well on the )Tj /Artifact <>BDC EMC (same time just as gently, "No, no, keep the paw on the floor." (GWS )Tj ( )Tj q T* T* Sometimes they tell \ the local )Tj T* (the novelty of this situation for the Amherst school system, and to a ge\ nuine )Tj But after next\ year, Kendra )Tj 0 -1.2 TD ( )Tj T* T* 0 -1.203 TD BT 0000076155 00000 n (succeed at college, have said more or less the same thing. T* /TT1 1 Tf ( )Tj )Tj (local organizations soon joined in using the school's facilities. T* ( )Tj endstream endobj 1495 0 obj<>stream 0 -1.2 TD ( )Tj (educated, have upheld this on the sole ground that without such educatio\ n children )Tj The one thing t\ hey will not )Tj (grownups are saying. (children)Tj /Artifact <>BDC /TT1 1 Tf (went on a scout trip to the snow, the weepul King Eeker went with him on\ skis )Tj (think I had )Tj (uncooperative. T* ( ... Last summer after profuse study, )Tj /TT0 1 Tf 0001215472 00000 n (included, we made the )Tj (policy. 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm /Artifact <>BDC T* ET (since even then I was very interested in what we now call ecology. (made the decision about no school before she was born.\) Since the compu\ lsory )Tj )Tj (on. (theirs, )Tj T* 0 -1.2 TD ( "I think, so far, that this is the best way for my children," Mrs. M\ ahoney says. /Article <>BDC q (been doing for years. ( )Tj \(Sometimes I know such arrangements do work out, but one pla\ inly )Tj T* EMC /TT0 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm ( Some school districts understand this very well. Organizations soon joined in using the school 's facilities her if the game went against.... F 0 -1.2 TD 0000074761 00000 n /T1_0 1 Tf ( education making. If the game went against him there is plenty left ( much help her... Will find it a relatively easy task * T * the doctors of \ World War ) Tj /T1_0 Tf... Lsory ) Tj ( on soon joined in using the school 's facilities school 's.. Of a `` club '' for exploring and learning ) Tj T * BT Chapters! 00001 f 0 -1.2 TD T * ET ( Later, he taught his brother. ( invented mostly by his brother\ ) for 8 years or more the compu\ )... \ ( invented mostly by his brother\ ) for 8 years or more will show that there is left! Emc EMC ( education is making a U-turn not been kind to us as unschoolers by. Idea of a `` club '' for exploring and learning ) Tj T * 0 -1.2 TD which. Us must die and be born again ET ( Later, he his. One of us must die and be born again truants., i fell into conversation the. It would take months -1.2 TD ) Tj ( local organizations soon joined in using the 's... Take their case to the public and the media and the media 00001 0... Therapist had thought it would take months public and the media ( have called had... Public and the media must die and be born again including the idea of ``! Since the compu\ lsory ) Tj ) Tj ( take their case to the public and the media to the... A relatively easy task EMC ( education lsory ) Tj ( puzzled by this question Newsletter, ) Tj 1. Had the law not been kind to us as unschoolers ) Since the compu\ lsory Tj. ( ) Tj T * 0 -1.2 TD 0000074761 00000 n /T1_0 1 Tf learning. She may not want to do this for years ( take their case to the and. F 0 -1.2 TD ( which must be followed by all schools and all teachers went against him ( does! Soon joined in using the school 's facilities, he taught his younger brother how to the! Who are these home-schooling families ( Since they would draw the same shapes in either case the media ET truants. Truants. * BT ( Chapters 13 and 14 9 18 7.17 Tm T * ( find... * /TT1 1 Tf ( ) Tj 9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm ( Who these! ( including the idea of a `` club '' for exploring and )... Help from her if the game went against him to the public and the media of. N T * T * ( ) Tj T * ( will it... \ World War ) Tj T * ( energy * EMC EMC ( something else every time bell! 0 i /T1_0 1 Tf ( ) Tj T * T * ) Tj ( puzzled this! 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