Theorycrafters will work out which one is better DPS and everyone in raids will take that one, and the rest of us will take the one we like best. The BfA version of Inner Rage is a bit snooze for sure. The change to Enrage making it a straightforward Haste buff means it will make all of your abilities cool down faster as well, meaning that you’ll be hitting more buttons during the Enrage period. The Vulgar Latin spelling of the word possesses many cognates when translated into many of the modern Romance languages, such as Spanish, Galician, Catalan, Portuguese, and modern Italian: rabia, rabia, ràbia, raiva, and rabbia respectively. The news arrives, and time stops. I love Sudden Death so I haven't been that worried about it, but it could be cool to see some iteration on a more locked out Raging Blow that hits a lot harder if you take that talent. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. When looking at the third talent slot on this row, we tried various version of Bloodbath or Avatar at different cooldowns, or with different mechanics, or with up-front damage, and even a version where the talent literally just cast both Avatar and Recklessness for 15 sec with a 1.5-2 min CD. Carnage and Frothing Berserker are unchanged since last week. Endless Rage 80.33%. 90. Inner Rage same as live but with new icon. In the year following the loss of a parent, the APA’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) considers it healthy for adults to experience a range of contradictory feelings, including but not limited to anger, rage, sadness, numbness, anxiety, guilt, emptiness, regret, and remorse. Inner Silence/Inner Rage is a story of one young girls survival after being a victim of rape three times at age 15, 16 and 17 years old from three different abusers. Killing an enemy instantly generates 10 Rage, and … War Machine causes autoattacks to generate 20% more Rage with each swing. Then, allow the match timer run down to about two to three seconds. A study released by the National Institute of Mental Health released this summer may hold a clue to preventing anger attacks such as the one exhibited by Richards.The study reported that as … A sudden death shatters our sense of security We prefer to believe that our loved ones are safe from harm. What is rage, after all, but a frightened infant crying because he or she has been abandoned? Bargaining helps to soften your anger and is your first attempt to come to grips with the loss. 60. We think Execute being any lower cooldown makes the Fury rotation more cramped during Execute, and not any better overall. Mythic+ is a special type of dungeon mode in World of Warcraft, offering players an endlessly-scaling challenge. World of Warcraft (8.3). Impending Victory 0.82%. In the end we concluded: In the end, we’re going to try a cooldown attack that debuffs the target, increasing your damage done to them for a duration. Spell: Mark of Blood Bloodworms Death Pact Name changed from "Bloodworms" to "Death … Reckless Abandon is a fine talent, no changes. Talents have been changed to Inner rage (moved from lv 90), Sudden Death and Furious Slash. His lungs breathe now in another body." Furious Charge 19.42%. Disable ads, get exclusive content, and more! Additionally, movement speed is increased by 30% for 8 seconds and 10 Rage is generated every time an enemy target is killed. The 20% increased rage generation from melee hits is an insubstantial benefit and getting 10 rage including a movement speed is only useful if you are desperate for the movement speed. Level 25: This row is unchanged from BFA, and is a nice pick between dungeon and raid content. War Machine same as live but with a new icon. Cast Bladestorm during Enrage. Rage is an aspect of bipolar disorder that is often overlooked and many people are not aware that it is something to expect with the condition. This came from increasing the damage of most abilities on the spec. Tier 1 Talent, previously the legendary ring Ayala's Stone Heart; NEW War Machine Your auto attacks generate 10% more Rage. Sean Grover, L.C.S.W., is a psychotherapist and the author of When Kids Call the Shots: How to Seize Control from Your Darling Bully and Enjoy Being a Parent Again. Sudden Death (Passive) Passive. This boosting spell is the warrior counterpart of Inner Focus. Source: Photo by Cristian Newman on Unsplash. If I weren’t already playing Fury most of the time, I’d likely switch. This synergizes with Recklessness in a way that feels better – Recklessness first to buff yourself, then a heavy attack against the enemy. zergnet.type = 'text/javascript'; zergnet.async = true; Fresh Meat 15.57%. It’s normal to throw oneself into work after loss; it’s also normal to withdraw from activities … But don't give up the battle to go on. Fury Warrior DPS SimulationCraft Talents Results using settings of Real Fight, 1 Targets, and 445 Ilvl. We assume that accidents and illnesses will bypass them. Auto attack damage, as a portion of your overall damage, has been reduced. T4 same as live. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. You may make sudden changes or promises, such as, "I'm going to be a better person." This Routine does not support Movement … Sudden Death. The stages of grief can last months or years. It’s always going to be Carnage. With the changes to tanking, I think Fury is going to end up being the most interesting spec for Warriors in Battle for Azeroth. Carnage 93.53%. War Machine causes autoattacks to generate 20% more Rage with each swing. Blizzard’s most recent post solidifies what the design is going forward. She believed them when they threatened her of what they would do to her and her family if she ever tried to tell anyone. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Is Anduin really going to change the face of Warcraft? var zergnet = document.createElement('script'); Accept whatever relief that they can offer and don't be afraid to ask for more. If you’re the kind of player who wants to simply things, Meat Cleaver is a passive talent and thus one less thing to think about, whereas both Dragon Roar and Bladestorm will require you to keep track of their cooldowns and push more buttons. Execute with Sudden Death. Start Fresh: At some point, you'll have a choice to make: Do you let grief shrink your life and hold you hostage or do you try to move forward? Impending Victory 0.82%. Bounding Stride. Seek support: A community of friends and family can be a great comfort after a loss. Level 45 row: Inner Rage, Sudden Death, Furious Slash – this row speed up/adds to the rotation Inner Rage is now -1 sec off the base cooldown of Raging Blow (which is now 8 sec base cooldown) and increases its damage. During Recklessness you should be able to get off three Rampages in the Siegebreaker window. You can't turn away from it; you can't reason with it. Level 75 talents? World of Warcraft (8.3). Sudden Death same as live. 75. 6 Emperor Thaurissan. Welcome to our World of Warcraft Fury Warrior DPS Guide for Battle of Azeroth Patch 8.3 and latest Raid - Ny'alotha. This is only available in two player mode. Denial: You experience shock and disbelief, frequently accompanied by numbness, detachment, or disassociation. Meat Cleaver, the new talent, uses that name, and gives Whirlwind a 10% chance to Enrage you and causes it to generate an additional 1 Rage per target hit (up to 3 additional Rage), pending tuning. It can't be true!". These cookies do not store any personal information. Level 45 row: Inner Rage, Sudden Death, Furious Slash – this row speed up/adds to the rotation. Bounding Stride. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Warpaint. Expressive art has been shown to aid in the processing of many of the mental and emotional expressions of grief such as depression, anxiety, anger… Simple and direct, and … Inner Rage. Inner Rage same as live but with new icon. Everything feels pointless. Reach out to others, enroll in a bereavement group, or find a religious community or meditative practice that offers you peace. Find Meaning: There is a beautiful new book written by David Kessler, "Finding Meaning: The Sixth Stage of Grief," In it, he discusses how the loss of his 21-year-old son due to an overdose gave way to depths of grief that he's never known. ... 7 Don Han'Cho. "Finding Meaning: The Sixth Stage of Grief,", Breakup First Aid: What to Expect, What to Do, Why Losing a Parent Hurts So Much, No Matter Your Age, Kobe Bryant: Coping With the Death of a Legend, Grieving During COVID? Sudden Death same as live. Inner Rage 4.10%. The first point is being achieved by adjusting Enrage and rage generation so that they’re not going to start off weak and then get stronger and stronger in a near exponential way as you get better gear. Grim Patron: 3 3: 5: Sudden Genesis x2: 6: Emperor Thaurissan: 5 5: 7: Don Han'Cho: 5 6: 1-5 mana drop. You recognize that, although everything has changed, you must go on living. Furious Charge. Bipolar Disorder: Bipolar disorder, also called manic-depression, is a form of depression with a very high suicide rate. Massacre. You may fall back on self-destructive habits such as over-eating, sleeping, or isolating. 0 Inner Rage. They also offer you some tools to help you recover. A sudden death shakes you to the core. As for Furious Slash, that requires more looking at the current talent situation. T3. In essence, it needs a new kind of Burst Window because its old one just got invalidated. Massacre Execute is now usable on targets below 35% health and has a 15 yard range, causing you to charge to targets when used. })(); Blizzard Watch is a safe space for all readers. Endless Rage 80.33%. Level 90 row: Meat Cleaver, Dragon Roar, Bladestorm – this row is primarily AOE. Lets say that there are 2 warriors, both have an item item level of 970 One has bloodbath and the other one has Inner Rage Both have 4 set t21 and bis legendarys What would be the dps difference between the 2? Intermittent explosive disorder involves repeated, sudden episodes of impulsive, aggressive, violent behavior or angry verbal outbursts in which you react grossly out of proportion to the situation. This is a Fury/Arms Combat Routine for level 100 Warriors(low level may work, but Rotation is not optimized). You start to find moments of inner peace. The Haste granted has been reduced to a more appropriate level (2% per stack, pending playtesting/feedback/tuning) considering the spec now has 25% Haste baseline from Enrage, and with another talent (Frothing Berserker) also providing 10% Haste occasionally. This is a Fury/Arms Combat Routine for level 100 Warriors(low level may work, but Rotation is not optimized). The idea of actually getting to choose between Dragon Roar and Whirlwind and have each be viable would be lovely. Death can have a way of changing you, I’ve found. This buffs the overall flow of the spec, if it works like it should. Inner Rage same as live but with new icon. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Virtually plotless pic about a grief-stricken 19-year-old… Level 15, 30, 60 rows: No changes since last week/last Beta build. A grief that is honored and processed fully frequently gives birth to a greater appreciation and commitment to living. But such grief-driven promises are hard to keep. Endless Rage 77.70%. Psychology Today © 2021 Sussex Publishers, LLC, How Mind Reading Suffers in Borderline Personality Disorder. Big drops. "https:" : "http:") + '//'; Warpaint 49.18%. Recklessness is cool, so why not have it more often? Please note that these changes aren't final and are subject to change. 4. The level 45 tier is very straightforward. Massacre … The basic rotation of the Fury Warrior is as follows: Cast Rampage if Enrage is not active. Pings. These Tips Will Help, The 5 Stages of Grieving the End of a Relationship. Warpaint 49.18%. With our cooldowns gone, both Reckless Abandon and Anger Management play around with Recklessness — Reckless Abandon just plain buffs the duration and fills up that rage bar to go whole hog during your Recklessness window, while Anger Management will allow you to go into Recklessness more often. Try to wait until Enrage is about to fall off or is not up, but don't let your Rage cap.? Inner Rage is a physical boosting speed spell in Dungeon Quest that grants a movement speed boost and increases physical damage by 80%. Frothing Berserker. Drugs, alcohol, and sexuality can also be used to “silence” the rage. Anger Management has been added to Fury, reducing the cooldown of Recklessness by 1 sec for every 25 Rage you spend. But in my experience, given what I know about identity (it’s all a fraud—a social illusion), the real core of BPD, and other personality problems with Borderline elements, is rage. He published a beautiful letter in a local newspaper to his son, celebrating and thanking him for their time together. Cast Bladestorm during Enrage. (see "How to Recover When Life Crushes You"). Furious Slash 0.00%. No Bloodbath, no Avatar. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Frothing Berserker. This Routine does not support … Warpaint. Level 25: This row is unchanged from BFA, and is a nice pick between dungeon and raid content. Inner Rage deals the following types of damage: Magic Damage. Bounding Stride 34.43%. If you want complexity, you’ll take Furious Slash. Our target for auto attack damage on Fury is currently much closer to 25% of your overall damage than 50%. NEXT | Bargaining: In an attempt to ease the pain of your loss, you try to bargain with it. Fury Warrior WA's in @Publik 's Demonology design, but with changes for my own personal use. On Execute’s cooldown, which is currently 6 sec (reduced by Haste, ending up at ~4.2 sec with Enrage up): Currently, there are no lack of buttons to press during Execute windows, with Execute being available on every 4th ability use (at a high priority), and pushing some other buttons out to make room for itself. T3. Reduce the amount of stacking damage bonuses on the spec that are available simultaneously, which reduces the desire/need to stack multiple at once, which now feels much worse to do now that virtually all of them are on the global cooldown. You know that life will never be the same. 4. Death comes sudden and often in Fenix Rage.Like Super Meat Boy before it, Rage is all about micro-platforming challenges that test your skills, patience, and sanity. Always. 60. You know that life will never be the same. Is Anduin really going to change the face of Warcraft? You start to seek new relationships. Level 15: Fresh Meat is incredibly useful for reliably opening combat with and then maintaining Enrage, as it can be tab targeted to proc Enrage on each target. Figure out Furious Slash’s place on the spec. Warpaint 46.04%. T5 Use Bloodthirst on cooldown. Personally, I’m interested in Siegebreaker — it’s basically the return of Colossus Sash from the Cataclysm/Mists days, but as a talent, not a baseline ability. Bipolar Disorder: Bipolar disorder, also called manic-depression, is a form of depression with a very high suicide rate. The post made three points I feel are very important. Bladestorm’s duration has been reduced to 3 sec (down from 6 sec), cooldown reduced to 1 min (down from 1.5 min), and now generates 20 Rage over the duration. Level 45 row: Inner Rage, Sudden Death, Furious Slash – this row speed up/adds to the rotation. A moment of … The level 90 talents, I’m cautiously excited about this. - The lv 45 talent row is designed to 'speed up the rotation'. Anger: Rage emerges in you. We all are changed by such losses. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Despite occasional stumbles, “Under the Skin” is an impressive, highly involving feature debut by writer-director Carine Adler. 75. Inner Rage is a skill located in the Undaunted (which can be found in the Guild skill tree). (function() { Now the player using Chaos must perform the Fart of Fury move (2 + 3, Toward, Up, Away) so that the cloud remains in the air after time expires. We assume that accidents and illnesses will bypass them. Additionally, Execute adds a significant amount to the rotation already when it’s available – any redesign that made that Execute window even more impacted by adding more resources or buttons to press didn’t seem to overall improve the Execute rotation. Kubler Ross' identified five stages of grief to provide a framework for the processing of death. Additionally, movement speed is increased by 30% for 8 seconds and 10 Rage is generated every time an enemy target is killed. replace: Astral shift. Massacre has been redesigned into “Execute is now usable on targets below 35% health”. Anger, also known as wrath or rage, is an intense emotional state involving a strong uncomfortable and non-cooperative response to a perceived provocation, hurt or threat.. A person experiencing anger will often experience physical effects, such as increased heart rate, elevated blood pressure, and increased levels of adrenaline and noradrenaline. But none of these attempts to distract your attention from your rage can ever be successful. Fury Warrior DPS SimulationCraft Talents Results using settings of Real Fight, 1 Targets, and 445 Ilvl. Whichever way you cut it, it does not seem to work, and I have thought about this for a while. A closer loo... More tightly adjust/control Enrage uptime and Rage income (both of which heavily impact pacing, flow, and the feel of the spec) throughout the expansion, rather than letting both scale up dramatically as gearing happens. In addition, Inner Rage and War Machine are almost always going to be outperformed by Sudden Death in any content outside of leveling, although the case could be made for War Machine in a dungeon environment. 1. The basic rotation of the Fury Warrior is as follows: Cast Rampage if Enrage is not active. 3. So when tragedy strikes suddenly, we go into shock. Intermittent explosive disorder involves repeated, sudden episodes of impulsive, aggressive, violent behavior or angry verbal outbursts in which you react grossly out of proportion to the situation. Double Time 48.36%. Fury Warrior DPS SimulationCraft Talents Results using settings of Max Fight, 3 Targets, and 445 Ilvl. Rage is an aspect of bipolar disorder that is often overlooked and many people are not aware that it is something to expect with the condition. Impending Victory healing increased to 30% (was 20%). Some suppress anger and turn it on themselves. All rights reserved. Thanks for the continued feedback here and everywhere else. Endless Rage has been removed and replaced with Sudden Death on the Talent row. It’s an interesting time to be a Warrior. With the change to putting DPS cooldowns on the GCD, this would have hobbled Fury — the class is very reliant currently on taking a cooldown talent and likely getting a cooldown trinket and macroing all three cooldowns together and using them whenever you could arrange for all three to be up, or at least two of them if their cooldowns didn’t synch well. Sudden Death. Execute with Sudden Death. 60. or "I'll honor his or her memory by changing my ways." Sudden Death 95.90%. Simple, easy to understand. - The lv 45 talent row is designed to 'speed up the rotation'. Sudden Death is the go-to for any Covenant on single target. Anger also triggers a crisis of faith, rage at a God that would permit such a horrible thing to happen. Inner Rage is a morph of Inner Fire. Fury Warrior WA's in @Publik 's Demonology design, but with changes for my own personal use. It is characterized by extreme mood swings which include rage. Furious Slash 0.00%. It serves as the higher-complexity talent that add a brand new button to your rotation. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. The information collected might relate to you, your preferences or your device, and is mostly used to make the site work as you expect it to and to provide a more personalized web experience. By accepting you agree to our privacy policy. A new theory aims to make sense of it all. Tier 1 Talent; NEW Sudden Death Your attacks have a chance to make your next Execute cost no Rage, be usable on any target regardless of their health, and deal damage as if you spent 40 Rage. Sudden Death. The Burst Window is when a spec only does meaningful damage within a small window and so saves up everything for that window — one example is back in the day when Fury had Colossus Smash and thus, would constantly try and line up all its DPS output for that six seconds when the Colossus Smash debuff was on a target. Raging Blow's cooldown is reduced by 1 sec and damage is increased by 20%. The BfA version of Inner Rage is a bit snooze for sure. Level 75 row: Carnage, Massacre, Frothing Berserker. Any version that was a separate self-buff damage cooldown button didn’t feel great to press consecutively with Recklessness, because you’re pressing two straight abilities which both feel more like self-buffs than attacks, Any version that made Recklessness stronger (high damage/amplitude) or replaced Recklessness with an ability with a 1.5 min cooldown, felt too similar to Reckless Abandon, Any version that made Recklessness shorter cooldown was Anger Management, Any version that made Recklessness a longer cooldown or replaced it with a new spell with a longer cooldown, didn’t feel great because you were taking a talent that made Recklessness available less often. Bounding Stride 34.53%. When in the Ruins (Chaos' stage), one player must be playing as Chaos in a Sudden Death round. Of course, suicide can also have the component of a desire to silence the rage. The goal is to put it much closer to Odyn’s Fury in usage and damage impact (high cooldown, more one-hit damage). Inner Rage same as live but with new icon. Sudden Death causes your attacks to have a chance to reset the cooldown on Execute, and allow it to be used on targets above 20% health. Our entire being vibrates with a single word: Why? Exhaustion plagues you. Fresh Meat 18.71%. Venthyr gets double dipping value through the … She believed them when they threatened her of what they would do to her and her family if she ever tried to tell anyone. The intended gameplay is: Build up Rage -> Siegebreaker -> Rampage -> Rebuild Rage -> Rampage before Siegebreaker ends. War Machine same as live but with a new icon. 2. Depression: After passing through denial, anger, and bargaining, the painful reality of the situation sinks in. Furious Charge 16.39%. We’ve been iterating on Fury Warrior since last week, and the next Beta build will again be a slightly out-of-date version of Fury compared to we have internally at this moment. Rage is dangerous because as a person loses control, he can say things that he normally would suppress and even become violent. Here you can explore the optimal choices of Talents, Stats, Gear (BiS), Gems, Azerite Powers & Azerite Essences, Races, Consumables, Rotation. The rage resulting from neurological impairment is distinct from ordinary anger. © 2021 On Click Creative, LLC. Dreams have been described as dress rehearsals for real life, opportunities to gratify wishes, and a form of nocturnal therapy. Level 100 row: Reckless Abandon, Anger Management, Siegebreaker – this row modifies or adds damage bonuses. I'm sure that's what he would want.". 5. It may not happen all at once, but when you look back to that day, when you look back to that moment in time, you might realize a marker has been placed in your life. Sudden Death is the same talent many know, adjusted for Fury – “Your attacks have a chance to reset the cooldown of Execute and make it usable on any target, regardless of their health.” It replaces Wrecking Ball in the talent tree, and fills the role of “occasionally inserts an ability into your rotation” better than Wrecking Ball does, because Whirlwind is now already used often as part of your single-target rotation. Massacre … 2 Armorsmith x2 2 Fiery War Axe x2 3 Ravaging Ghoul. Outburst, Bloodbath, and Avatar have been removed from Fury. Cast Recklessness on cooldown. Cast Raging Blow for Rage. Death comes sudden and often in Fenix Rage.Like Super Meat Boy before it, Rage is all about micro-platforming challenges that test your skills, patience, and sanity. There are few things in life as devastating as the sudden death of a loved one. As your world descends into chaos and you're flooded with despair, you feel like you're trapped in a nightmare and can't wake up: "How could this happen? To give an update: everything on the baseline spec described last week hasn’t changed. The Mohua Rage Club is a four-week programme near Tākaka, exploring the potential of anger’s energy and its healthy expression. You may focus on facts or keep busy, anything to delay experiencing the pain and despair the loss of your loved one has caused you. While these stages are not universal, nor do they occur in lockstep, they can be useful in thinking about grief. Etymology. Unless Massacre and Execute get a lot more than a 20 rage bump, getting cheaper Rampages is always going to win. How to Build Happier Workplaces After the COVID Era, How Experience Can Hinder Critical Thinking. Shortening the duration allows Bladestorm to fit into an Enrage window (without requiring extreme amounts of Haste) if used right after after gaining Enrage, and a shorter duration/cooldown Bladestorm feels more like Fury anyways. Cast Raging Blow when at two charges. Now that Execute has a cooldown and generates Rage, the live Legion version doesn’t make much sense anymore – it would’ve just amounted to a Rage proc on Execute. Sudden Death causes your attacks to have a chance to reset the cooldown on Execute, and allow it to be used on targets above 20% health. If you want it fire and forget, you’ll take Inner Rage. Cast Raging Blow for Rage. var znscr = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; Instead, widening the window during which you can use Execute, made more sense. Looking over the changes a few things immediately stick out. To help yourself recover, consider the following suggestions: 1. Depression pushes down on you until you collapse under its weight. Cast Recklessness on cooldown. Furious Slash. level 1 FromRitz2Rubble Inner Rage: Not interesting, it really does not change up any playstyle or engagement with Raging Blow. Perhaps you take comfort in memories, rather than feel depressed or hurt by them. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Heartbroken parents grieving the sudden suicide of their 13-year-old daughter had no idea just how much pain she was in until they found her secret 'death diary'. Furious Slash 0.72%. Reach 0ut: Isolation after a loss is common, but too much of it breeds depression. Family & the Holidays: Why Can It Feel So Devastating? Shadowlands Class Talent Changes - Build We've datamined some new class talent changes in the initial Shadowlands build! It was so shocking that even now when I think about it, twenty years later, sadness washes over me. Generating a respectable amount of Rage allows it to be used during Recklessness without you feeling like you’re missing out on its potential Rage generation increase. Row 6, Column 3. T2 same as live. My friend emerged from his grief process a changed person. zergnet.src = (document.location.protocol == "https:" ? Furious Charge. Level 25: Double Time is a staple for both mobility and rage generation leading to more damage, although Storm Bolt can be taken when stuns are needed to lock down difficult opponents. Massacre … Is Mental Health Really Getting Worse During the Pandemic? So … However, many talents have been adjusted, moved, or replaced to better fit together with the updates to the Fury spec. Storm Bolt 61.15%. Death Knight Blood Bloodworms Name changed from "Mark of Blood" to "Bloodworms". Carnage. Inner Silence/Inner Rage is a story of one young girls survival after being a victim of rape three times at age 15, 16 and 17 years old from three different abusers. Old French raige, rage (French: rage), from Medieval Latin rabia, from Latin rabies ("anger fury") akin to Sanskrit rabhas (violence). Inner Rage is now -1 sec off the base cooldown of Raging Blow (which is now 8 sec base cooldown) and increases its damage. 1 Whirlwind x2 3 Ravaging Ghoul. Everyone passes through them differently. Get the help you need from a therapist near you–a FREE service from Psychology Today. Since Blizzard changed how these cooldowns work entirely to prevent this kind of stacking, Fury needs a redesign to remain relevant. Which one you prefer is up to you, depending on if you like predictability or not. Massacre Execute is now usable on targets below 35% health and has a 15 yard range, causing you to charge to targets when used. Siegebreaker (30 sec cooldown, Generates 15 Rage): Break the enemy’s defenses, dealing [120% AP] Physical damage, and increasing your damage done to the target by 20% for 10 sec. 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