Built on Genesis Framework and Powered by UpCloud. The biggest deciding factor on whether or not a distro is lightweight is what desktop environment is used. Software engineer Ian Murdock released the first version of Debian in 1993, in the process establishing a community of developers who would work together to provide a stable way to use the best software the free software world had to offer. The final conclusion and answer to Linux Mint Vs. Ubuntu is that we have no winner. For example, Linux Mint can rely on Ubuntu's PPAs whereas it's really not a great idea with Debian. article to understand what is a desktop environment. Debian gibt es bereits seit 1993, es ist damit eine der ältesten Linux-Distributionen auf dem Markt und bildet die Basis für eine Vielzahl anderer Distributionen wie Ubuntu oder Raspbian. Ubuntu was released as a Debian fork in 2004. The login page will open in a new tab. Dabei werden jährlich ein Community-Rat und das Tech-Board gewählt. These changes have encouraged people to choose Linux Mint as an easier or more comfortable desktop to learn and use on a daily basis. If you aren't already paralyzed by choice, there are so many more great Linux distros to consider. Link to mirror Debian - The Universal Operating System. It is called LMDE which stands for Linux Mint Debian Edition. The Pros and Cons of a Wi-Fi vs. Ethernet Connection, Getting Started With Blender: A Beginner's Guide, How to Use the Reedsy Book Editor to Write and Publish Your Book, 8 Classic Operating Systems You Can Access in Your Browser, How to Capture and Share Screenshots on the PS4. Linux Mint - The most popular desktop Linux distribution and the 3rd most widely used home operating system behind Microsoft Windows and Apple Mac OS. Ubuntu has a predictable release schedule, with new long-term support releases launching every two years. Unlike Debian, Ubuntu is the product of a private company. If you don't like the default interface, one of the many Ubuntu flavors may be the right fit. The Snap Store, alongside Ubuntu's position as the most widely used version of Linux, makes Ubuntu the Linux distro with the greatest degree of software support from non-Linux developers. But I wouldn't necessarily give Debian to a first time Linux user. Interim releases come out every six months. Kubuntu uses the KDE desktop environment, while Lubuntu uses LXQt. Which is better? Linux Mint provides all the software you would expect to be installed in a free (free as in $0 price, not as in free software) OS and more GUI tools to tweak the system. Please confirm your email address in the email we just sent you. I won't go into details about them here, though, because as Debian-based distros, Ubuntu and Linux Mint inherent these same tools. Der größte Unterschied zwischen Linux Mint und Ubuntu ist die grafische Nutzeroberfläche. If you don't love the Cinnamon desktop, there are MATE and Xfce editions of Linux Mint available as well. The Linux Mint team created the Cinnamon desktop environment, which by default resembles Microsoft Windows. While Ubuntu is based on Debian, Linux Mint is based on Ubuntu. Join our newsletter for tech tips, reviews, free ebooks, and exclusive deals! The purpose of Linux Mint is to produce a modern, elegant and comfortable operating system which is both powerful and easy to use. The Ubuntu distribution was released in 2004, but it based on the Debian system that was released in 1993. This is my comparisonof some of the distributions I have tried over the years.I will spoil it now and let you know that the winner in my book is Fedora! Die Frage ist, warum man ein Ubuntu-Derivat oder ein Debian-Derivat verwendet, anstatt die Quelle selbst zu verwenden. Canonical has created the snap package format, courting commercial software developers to release their apps into the Snap Store. This isn't to suggest that there's nothing special about Debian. The distinction between different Linux distros can be confusing. It is up to you to decide what you will use them for. Debian vs Linux Mint. Xubuntu employs the Xfce desktop, and Ubuntu MATE ships with (surprise!) Even though Ubuntu Desktop is also easy to … Both distros use mostly the same repositories and can install the same software. It's a massive collection of software that you can configure in different ways to create the kind of experience you want. The … What's the Difference Between Ubuntu and Ubuntu-Based Distros? the MATE desktop. Debian GNU/Linux is ranked 8th while Linux Mint is ranked 14th. Ubuntu - The leading OS for PC, tablet, phone and cloud DEB packages meant for Ubuntu will also work in Linux Mint. If you're coming to Debian from a different version of Linux, you may notice that much of the software is older than what you get elsewhere. If you want to use newer software on Debian, you can, but doing so comes with more bugs and instability. Desktop Comparison: Debian vs Ubuntu. This freedom means the Debian teams leave the bulk of design and usability decisions to the various free software projects themselves. Ubuntu is the most prominent descendant. Debian is great for people who care more about the values of free software, want more control over how their PC works, are creating a server, or value long-term stability. You won't find the custom themes and personal style that Ubuntu and Linux Mint both offer in spades, though this isn't necessarily a bad thing. Desktop-Unterschiede von Linux Mint, Ubuntu, Manjaro und Debian Weitere Unterschiede: Linux Mint hat viele Programme vorinstalliert, die man im Alltag benötigt wie etwa den VLC Media Player. Please log in again. The desktop version of Ubuntu is much easier to install and use, especially for beginners. The Linux Mint team doesn't care much for snaps, but it's still possible for you to install them. This is why so many projects use Debian as a foundation. Sämtliche Downloads werden zudem als einfache Dateilisten geführt.Wenn Sie also nicht wissen, was eine MD5-Datei ist und wofür diese verwendet wird, sollten Sie … Ubuntu vs. Linux Mint are currently arguably two of the most popular Linux distros (with Debian) around. Clément Lefèbvre started Linux Mint in 2006, only a few years after Ubuntu. So if you have old hardware, you should go with Debian. The most important reason people chose Debian GNU/Linux is: Debian offers stable and testing CD images specifically built for GNOME (the default), KDE Plasma Workspaces, Xfce and LXDE. This distribution provides great usage for the average desktop system, providing users with a beginner-friendly system with a variety of tutorials available. New versions of Debian only come around once every two to three years, and app updates are frozen in time alongside the rest of the system, aside from security patches and similar maintenance. Es existiert für unterschiedliche Architekturen, darunter i386, amd64, mipsel und arm64, für die es jeweils unterschiedliche Installationsmedien gibt. New versions of Mint are released every six months. Ubuntu and Linux Mint are unarguably the most popular desktop Linux distributions. But then I'm a long-time free software user who has come to prefer distros that try not to make changes to "upstream" code. The goal was to … 6 Apps for Finding Cheap or Free Places to Stay While Traveling. For instance, unlike Debian, the current LMDE 2 has yet to migrate to Systemd. Both are modified by Linux Mint. It provides more than a pure OS: it comes with over 35,000 packages, pre-compiled software bundled in a nice format for easy installation on your Raspberry Pi. In essence, both distros are very good, with proper support and updates, a well-designed interface, etc. Most Linux users install a Debian-based distro. I simply want to get users’ opinions on why one might be better off using Debian over Linux Mint, Ubuntu etc. Während Ubuntu auf Debian basiert, basiert Linux Mint auf Ubuntu. It focused on security and stability. Here's how Ubuntu and Ubuntu-based distros are different. Ubuntu is the base for Linux Mint, so Ubuntu is always one step ahead. He values ethics over features and helps others take control over their digital lives. I know this is the Debian subreddit so opinions may be biased, but I don’t mind. This means that Ubuntu and Linux Mint will be different by the time the next LTS release becomes available. Anyone familiar with computing could figure it out, but Ubuntu and Linux Mint offer an easier experience and look better. Bei Windows erledigt das eine immer gleiche Abfrage über ein Fenster. Debian is one of them, a parent that a majority of other versions of Linux have spawned from. Debian is great for people who care more about the values of free software, want more control over how their PC works, are creating a server, or value long-term stability. Linux Mint is ranked 14th while MX-Linux is ranked 16th. Mint comes with a selection of tools that simplify the process of installing apps and changing desktop themes. This is relevant for apps like Skype and Steam, plus large swathes of PC games. With so many Linux distributions to choose from, a newcomer can understandably have a hard time telling them all apart. You can even choose not to have a graphical interface at all, which is ideal for servers. But Linux Mint is not Ubuntu, and Ubuntu is not Debian. Both Ubuntu and Debian are significantly faster than comparable Windows operating systems. As far as the operating system is concerned, where configuration files reside and how the package manager operates, both distributions are almost the same. Bei Debian und Ubuntu werden Sie aber auch im Terminal arbeiten und dort erledigen das beide grundlegend anders. The slogan was "Linux for Human Beings.". Linux Mint, for example, is based on Ubuntu. There was considerable experimentation in the early days, as the Mint developers decided how to structure the technical aspects of the desktop. There are only a handful that aren't based on something else. Question is why to use an Ubuntu derivative or a Debian derivative instead of using the source itself. When comparing the two distros default package repos, I would argue that Linux Mint offers packages based on convenience where Debian prefers to categorize them based on software philosophy. Though both the distros are quite an excellent choice for the newbie and support a wide range of modern devices, there are still some differences for which an array of users may want to compare as Ausserdem ist die ganze debian vs ubuntu vs gentoo vs suse einfach müssig – ein erfahrener Admin macht aus allen Zusammenstellungen etwas Und ein schlecht aufgesetztes gentoo oder debian ist trotzdem schlechter als ein gut konfiguriertes ubuntu und vice versa For starters, there was a clear product: the Ubuntu desktop. Ubuntu and Linux Mint are two popular Linux distros available in the Linux community. And now, Linux Mint has aligned itself with the two-year Long-Term Support (LTS) release cycle of Ubuntu. Mint was first released in 2006, although this first version never had a stable release. Yet while Ubuntu may be based on Debian, it has gone on to become a parent to many other distros as well. The GNOME desktop interface, for example, doesn't support custom themes and many app developers actively request that distros stop theming their apps. Depending on your needs, you can choose Ubuntu or Linux Mint. As such, you no longer have to use Ubuntu to enjoy many of these benefits. After logging in you can close it and return to this page. Debian is especially fast since it doesn’t come bundled with a bunch of performance degrading features and pre-installed software.Ubuntu is faster than Windows, though the added features affect the performance when compared with Debian. How Debian looks and feels has more to do with what the GNOME or KDE teams decide than the opinions of Debian developers. But which should you choose: Debian, Ubuntu, or Linux Mint? Ubuntu und Linux Mint sind zweifellos die beliebtesten Desktop-Linux-Distributionen. While you can install Debian on your laptop and replace Windows, Debian is more than a desktop operating system. Which should you choose? Deshalb haben die Entwickler der beliebten Linux-Distribution, noch bevor das nächste Haupt-Release Linux Mint 20 am 23. Bertel is a digital minimalist who writes from a laptop with physical privacy switches and an OS endorsed by the Free Software Foundation. Additionally, for users that prefer mobile operating systems or desire a mobile-friendly Linux system, the Ubuntu-touch OS has been created for use with mobile devices. Debian is great for people who care more about the values of free software, want more control over how their PC works, are creating a server, or value long-term stability. Various flavors of Ubuntu are available beyond the mainstream version. The same could be said of elementary OS and Pop!_OS, which are both also based on Ubuntu. Most people know that Linux Mint is based on Ubuntu but not many people know that Linux Mint also has Debian-based variant. There are new releases every six months for both Ubuntu and Linux Mint. Feb. 2018, 16:23 Uhr 6 min Lesezeit. The 2.0 release, “Barbara,” received more attention, and using feedback from the community, many more versions were released between 2006 and 2008. Ubuntu. Viele Anwender schätzen die Vorzüge und Ausrichtung von Linux Mint, bevorzugen aber anstelle von Ubuntu ein Debian GNU/Linux als Fundament. The most important reason people chose Linux Mint is: Mint gains a very strong package ecosystem and software manager of Debian, including more than 30,000 packages available from the Debian repositories. Die Einstellungen sind dann aber doch sehr viel umfangreicher. Mint is light and faster than other Linux distributions. Entwicklerforen: Ubuntu besitzt in seinen Foren klare Verhaltensregeln. Das tut sich aber jemand, der seinen Computer einfach nur nutzen will nicht an. I know this may have been covered but I just want to get a fresh take from current users. Die Software für Ubuntu ist oft neuer und aktueller als die für Debian, da auch nicht vollständig getestete Versionen (sogenannte Nightly Builds) veröffentlicht werden. Most of them expand from an already existing distro and implement various changes. In addition, it still uses the Jessie repositories while Debian has moved on to Stretch. Desktop-Unterschiede von Linux Mint, Ubuntu, Manjaro und Debian. 4 Reasons Why You Don't Need a Laptop Anymore, Defeat Planned Obsolescence and Embrace the Right to Repair, Microsoft Announces a Bumper Package of Updates for Teams Mobile, Samsung Lets Google Into Your Smart Home, Finally, How to Use LessPass to Manage Your Passwords, How to Extend Laptop Battery Life With Custom Windows Power Plans, How to Fix the Clock Watchdog Timeout Error in Windows. It should be known that Linux Mint has always been based on Debian and Ubuntu. Diese Oberflächen haben strukturelle Ähnlichkeiten mit der Windows-Desktop-Oberfläche. Windows vs. Mac vs. Linux: What's the Best OS for Gaming? Canonical launched Ubuntu in 2004. Context: I’m currently running Linux Mint on a Lenovo Thinkpad X250. Software: Fast immer ist die Software, die für Debian entwickelt wurde, auch mit Ubuntu kompatibel. That's package management. This trend has not changed because the new Linux Mint 20 is based on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, the latest long-term support releases of Ubuntu. Ubuntu is a derivative of Debian, and on the other hand, Linux Mint is developed based on Ubuntu LTS. Die Antwort auf die Frage ist, dass die Ableitung besser ist. They eventually landed on making Linux Mint fully compatible with the Ubuntu desktop. Canonical's snap format is a universal format that works regardless of which Linux distro you choose. So, what set Ubuntu apart from Debian? Technically there is a default desktop experience available, but the installer enables you to pick and choose which desktop interface you prefer. Unlike Debian, Ubuntu is the product of a private company. April das Licht der Welt erblickt, den mittlerweile obligatorischen Debian-Ableger spendiert. While they may largely share the same technical underpinning, chances are you won't have that impression when you boot them up for the first time. Debian uses the DEB format and the APT package manager. In short, Debian isn't hard to use, but it is geared more toward technical users than Ubuntu or Linux Mint. To say that LMDE is essentially Debian and that the standard edition is essentially Ubuntu would be an over-simplification. In this case, these three options have a great deal in common, but there remains a lot that sets them apart. In search of the perfect desktop Linux distribution I have tried out quitea few and learned about the philosophies of each one. Personally, I would use Debian. Für Linux Mint sind hier Cinnamon und Mate verfügbar. There are two releases per year, generally timed one month after Ubuntu releases. Yet there is a major part of the experience that is specific to Debian. For a beginner, Debian might seem harder to use, but that’s not because the distro is more complicated. Brief: Linux Mint’s Debian variant LMDE 4 has been released with Debian 10 Buster as the base. If you've heard of Ubuntu, the most popular version of Linux for desktop PCs, there's a good chance you've also heard of Debian and Linux Mint. The goal was to create a version of Linux geared toward non-technical users. Auch wenn dies zunächst sehr demokratisch erscheint, hat der Ubuntu … Whether you want a cheap hotel, or are looking for a working vacation, these apps will help you see the world on a budget. And if you're inclined to like Debian, you might find much to like in Fedora, another upstream-focused project that isn't based on another distro. Canonical employed developers to make the chosen default experience as pleasant as possible for users. Robert Schanze, 20. Debian is a lightweight Linux distro. Both come with the same theme and general layout but may run smoother on older machines. The reasons to use Debian are many, but only a few are likely to matter all that much to people first discovering free software. If you're connecting the dots, that means that Linux Mint is ultimately based on Debian. Check out what’s new feature this new release brings. In the Linux world, there are hundreds of Linux-based operating systems (commonly known as "distributions" or "distros") to pick from. AKASO's Keychain Cam Is Made for the Vertical Video Generation, Microsoft No Longer Supports Windows 10 Version 1903. Raspbian vs Ubuntu: What are the differences? Canonical launched Ubuntu in 2004. (Ubuntu packages technically come from the unstable branch of Debian. The Debian distribution of Linux was released in 1993. In short, Debian isn't hard to use, but it is geared more toward technical users than Ubuntu or Linux Mint. Mint also has the option to pre-install multimedia codecs that, on Debian and Ubuntu, you have to install after installation. They are both quite user-friendly and for the Linux newbie, you couldn’t be wrong choosing either.. For a very long time, Ubuntu was considered the distro of choice by most Linux enthusiasts, but it has currently been surpassed by Linux Mint (and Debian) as the distro with most hits. Today, Canonical provides a simpler installer, a restyle of the GNOME desktop, and newer software. In short, Debian isn’t hard to use, but it is geared more toward technical users than Ubuntu or Linux Mint. Today we will do another vs video comparing Linux Mint (Ubuntu) to Linux Mint Debian Edition (LMDE). In general, Linux Mint is friendlier and more appealing to the newcomer, but since it is a Debian-based distro the underlying system is more or less the same with Debian. Von mehreren Arbeitsflächen bis hin zur Größe der Icons können Sie alles konfigurieren. This makes it suitable for people who like regular updates and those who simply want a reliable computer. The primary difference between Mint and Ubuntu comes down to the initial desktop experience. For example, it’s easy to install a video card driver with the help … What Are Windows Feature Experience Packs and How Can You Get One? But yes, you can install Debian as a desktop operating system. It is a Linux distribution for desktop computers, based on either Ubuntu or Debian. The name came from the combination of his name and the name of his then-girlfriend, Debra. That means experienced users can get this software on Debian too, but at the risk of a less stable desktop). It’s because Ubuntu comes with a set of utilities preinstalled that helps newbies to easily configure their systems. You have an app launcher in the bottom left, a task bar along the bottom, and system icons in the bottom right. By default, Debian is more lightweight compared to Ubuntu. Developers describe Raspbian as "A free operating system based on Debian".It is optimized for the Raspberry Pi hardware. Robert Schanze, GIGA-Experte für Windows, Android, Linux … Beyond the debian vs ubuntu vs mint version distros as well bevorzugen aber anstelle von Ubuntu Debian... A selection of tools that simplify the process of installing apps and desktop! Been released with Debian 10 Buster as the Mint developers decided how to structure the aspects. Operating system which is ideal for servers the slogan was `` Linux for Human Beings. `` ’ on! What 's the difference between Mint and Ubuntu MATE ships with ( surprise! GNOME or KDE teams than. Has yet to migrate to Systemd then-girlfriend, Debra are very good, with proper support and,! Default interface, etc elementary OS and Pop! _OS, which is powerful. Updates and those who simply want to get users ’ opinions on why one might be off. Instead of using the source itself OS for Gaming Windows 10 version 1903 landed on Linux. 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